He told the Free Press that he believes council will continue to develop even stronger under transparent leadership and with fair representation from across the council area.
"I’d like to see positive and constructive development to continue and that is why I am so proud of the great community leaders and volunteers that I have on my ticket, with some also having extensive experience in Local Government and strong connections to all of our communities," Mr Bourke said.
“Council is in an evolutional stage and it is important that people focus on the facts that have been proven by world leading economic and local government professors when casting their vote this election.
"We have maintained a strong focus on financial sustainability and delivering the many different services that are valued by our residents.”
Mr Bourke is proud of the advocacy work he has led to ensure Federation Council receives a fair share of taxes from State and Federal Governments.
“We have been up front and honest about our legacy issues and financial sustainability challenges and each and every time we have had a solution to keep our communities going forward resulting in a better position to prosper into the future; 89 out of 92 rural and regional councils are following in our footsteps and I know we are on the pathway to success, as has been proven," he said.
Mr Bourke said that he believes Local Government to be the most important level of government because councillors are the closest representatives to communities.
"We are your voice, your local leaders, and your biggest advocates, and this is something I have always focused on with the best intentions to build the best Federation possible," he said.
Mr Bourke is a highly respected chair of the Riverina and Murray Joint Organisation which comprises 12 neighbouring councils, NSW Country Mayors Sitting Board Member, Australian Livestock Saleyards Association Member, and also sits on various community group committees, advisory committees and business boards.
"I am not coming into this election with a bucket load of promises like other candidates - it is not my style and one thing I don't like about politics," he said.
"But I do come into this election with just one promise, and that is a promise that if elected again I will continue to be my genuine self and do my very best for all communities in the Federation Council equally.
“I look forward with hope that I will have the chance to represent you once again in the next term of Federation Council. Vote 1 - Group B above the line this election – a vote for your trusted voice, your local leaders and your biggest advocates."