Yarrawonga Community Action Group committee member Helen White said each group has an urgent need for the many resources which would be on offer if Moira Shire Council acquired the site for community use.
“As each person spoke it became clear that the area would be fully utilised and cared for by a number of well-established groups,” Ms White said.
“The Artist’s Association of Yarrawonga Mulwala desperately need a dedicated space for exhibitions, art classes and storage. The multipurpose room would fill this requirement perfectly.
“Allegro are seeking a performing arts space.
“Yarrawonga Neighbourhood House urgently needs more centrally located space for their community programs and services, including the ‘Services Australia’ agency.
“The Urban Landcare group needs a storage area and would undertake renewal and maintenance of garden areas.
“A new car club would be most interested in a meeting venue and outdoor space for show and shine events.”
Ms White said the suggestion to move Yarrawonga’s Tourist Information Centre to the old YPS grounds received whole-hearted approval from those in attendance.
“The existing building and parking options at the existing centre are completely inadequate. A larger, modern building would better enhance our area.
“Other possible activities include yoga and dance classes, an interpretive centre, an indigenous cultural display, meeting venues and much needed secure storage space for groups.”
It was agreed at the meeting that a committee of user groups be formed to put together a solid plan for the future of the site, to consider how to raise funds, suggest possible events and to liaise with Moira Shire Council regarding acquisition of the site.
YCAG has organised a petition with well over 1000 signatures requesting that Moira Shire Council leases the YPS site while negotiations continue for acquiring the site.
“This demonstrates the strength of support in the community for the project,” Ms White said.
“Many other towns have converted similar properties with great success. It is hoped our Council will act on the community’s wishes.
“This sort of development will be a huge asset and of great benefit to Yarrawonga/Mulwala and Moira residents as well as appealing to tourists.
“There is no doubt it will continue to improve as a community hub over many years to come,” she said.
Petition acknowledged by council
A petition requesting Moira Shire Council lease the whole of the former Yarrawonga Primary School Site from DET whilst negotiations continue to acquire the site urgently under First Right of refusal for Community Use was acknowledged at the December ordinary council meeting with confirmation of a study also revealed.
Cr Peter Mansfield who moved the motion said he also had further documentation with an additional 150 signatures.
“This follows on from the public meeting which had overwhelming support for council to investigate the purchase of the land,” Cr Mansfield said.
Cr Peter Elliott seconded the motion and said he was pleased to hear that council was looking into the matter.
“Given the significance of the site, I’m glad council will honour the commitment to apply for a grant to conduct an urban renewal study to ensure the best possible use of the land,” Cr Elliott said.
“This will involve extensive consultation with all relevant stakeholders.
“Council is also aware the Bpangerang people have contacted the DET about the cultural significance of the land which may raise other possibilities.”
The December Ordinary Meeting agenda stated; “Due to the ongoing investigation into the proposal raised by the petition and the timing of the December council meeting, council has not had the opportunity to review any findings or any recommended future options.
“A report will be provided to councillors detailing available options in February 2022.”