As suggested by the name, the walk is an easy two kilometres starting at the Yarrawonga Yacht Club and meandering through the picturesque Chinaman's Island for a modest donation of $10.
All donations will be part of Inner Wheel's national fundraiser for Stem Cell Research, which explores using the richest blood from the umbilical cord to help find ways to cure many diseases and saving many lives, particularly those of children.
Conditions including Leukaemia, blood disorders, auto immune diseases, some cancers, cystic fibrosis, heart disease and stroke are now treatable due to earlier research with Inner Wheel Australia enabling many medical breakthroughs by raising well over $3million in the last twenty-five years.
At the end of the walk participants will be rewarded for their efforts and generosity with a free sausage sizzle.
There will also be raffles on the day with great prizes to be won.
Yarrawonga Mulwala Inner Wheel Club cord blood research co-ordinator June Lavis said the club was looking forward to welcoming everyone at the Yacht Club.
“The event will be easy to find with Inner Wheel signage, registration gazebos, many red balloons and officials in red shirts so you won't miss it,” June said.
“Our local Yarrawonga Mulwala Inner Wheel Club has always been very passionate in supporting this project.
“The national Two for Ten Walk was instigated in 2021 by one of our local members, Dallice Robins, when she took on the role of National Project Coordinator.
“With all districts and clubs getting behind the project it has been a big success, raising a huge amount for cord blood research.”
Participants can register on the day, with families and pets most welcome.
If you would like to learn more, please visit the Inner Wheel website at or for more information regarding cord blood research, go to
“Please join us to raise more funds for the important cause of Cord Blood Research on Sunday, March 24 at 11am for a picturesque ‘Two for Ten Walk' around Chinaman's Island,” June said.