
Bears claim cross town battle

Lachie Thomson looks to boot the ball across his body for one of his 6 majors against cross town rival Rennie. Photo by Les_Garbutt

Tungamah 3.3, 7.9, 9.14, 15.18.108

Rennie 2.2, 3.4, 6.6, 7.7.49

Goals: Tungamah: L. Thompson 6, S. Johns 2, J. Cheek 2, S. Ferguson 2, J. Irvine, T. Irvine, A. Miller.

Rennie: D. Bruce 3, C. Strawhorn 2, M. Wilson, D. Chung.

Best: Tungamah: J. Irvine, S. Ferguson, O. Willis, L. Thompson, J. Reilly, J. Saunders.

Rennie: O. Cope, T. Freeman, J. Shaw, A. Wilson, M. Wilson, J. Fountain.

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