
Mulwala fourths triumph

The fourths run through the banner full of excitement. Photo by Les_Garbutt

Mulwala: 1.1, 2.2, 3.3, 4.4.28.

Cobram: 1.1, 1.3, 2.5, 2.6.18.

Goals: Mulwala: B. Ferguson 1, L. Purtle 1, H. Donovan 1, A. Richardson 1.

Cobram: R. Thompson 1, E. Hyde 1.

Best: Mulwala: F. Woodhead, T. Woodhead, A. Saunders, W. Hammon, H. Stephens, A. Richardson.

Cobram: E. Hyde, R. Thompson, O. Benson, A. Peters, Z. Trist, S. DeVincentis.

Axel Saunders controlled most of the play, getting this ball away as he was tackled. Photo by Les_Garbutt

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