Yacht Club evolving with pride

Yarrawonga Yacht Club Incoming 2023/24 Committee (Rear l-r) Vice Commodore - Mark Brunning, Sailing Captain - Ken Cameron, Committee - Arnold Kramer, Committee: Media -Communications - Leiticia Harmer, Committee - Lance Loughrey, Treasurer - George Cousins.(Front l-r) Dragon Boat Paddlers Captain - Helen Dornom, Commodore - Glen Trevena, Committee - Jan Marshall, Secretary - Leonie Orr. Absent: Committee - Geoff Bradford and Committee: Events - Dianne Richardson.

Yarrawonga Yacht Club (YYC) Inc. with 84 years of history, proudly continues to evolve with sailing, dragon boat paddling, and most recently, the introduction of radio-controlled (RC) yachts.

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