Phil Snowden has been reappointed as chair for another term, with Geoff McLeod being appointed as deputy chair and Gabrielle Coupland appointed as National Irrigators’ Council delegate.
All six resolutions put to the meeting were carried.
The directors’ remuneration cap was lifted to $500,000. The motion narrowly passed with 305 voting for, and 269 against.
The last review of the cap was in 2013 when it was set at $400,000.
MIL chair Phil Snowden said it was a successful event and a pleasing turnout.
“More than 120 attendees participated in the meeting, with just under half of those attending online,” Mr Snowden said.
“I congratulate the five directors on their appointments and extend my thanks and appreciation to shareholders for participating in the AGM process.
“I would also like to thank the Independent Selection Committee that was put in place earlier this year to provide recommendations to the board to fill casual member director vacancies.
“This rigorous selection process culminated in the appointment of Geoff McLeod, Gabrielle Coupland, Leanne Small and Noel Graham AM, which shareholders have supported with their votes, and has ultimately led to the diverse skills and experience we have on the Murray Irrigation Board today.’’
Non member director, Robert Burbury, was also elected on a margin of 303 to 269.
After the formal proceedings, MIL chief executive officer Ron McCalman presented a summary of the business operations over the past 12 months providing detail on financial performance including cost management, operational performance, innovation, advocacy and plans for the future.
Mr Snowden thanked Lachlan Marshall for his service as deputy chair for the past two-and-a-half years.
The board resolved that all committee chairs would remain unchanged with Trisha Gorman chairing the Remunerations and Nominations Committee, Robert Burbury chairing the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and Geoff McLeod chairing the Water Policy and Management Committee.